Monday, May 28, 2012

Word of the Day from Venerable Loun Sovath បដិវត្ត ឬ បដិបត្តិ

ពិភពលោកសព្វថ្ងែ គេមិនប្រើពាក្យបដិវត្តទេ ពីព្រោះពាក្យនេះឬចលនានេះត្រូវបានសាប រលាយទៅហើយកាលពី៣០ឆ្នាំមុន។ សំរាប់កម្ពុជាសព្វថ្ងែ គឺបដិបត្តិ...បដិបត្តិតាមច្បាប់ឬព្រះ ធម្មវិន័យដែលបានចែងយ៉ាងត្រឹមត្រូវរួចមកហើយ។ បើបុគ្គលណាធ្វើខុស ត្រូវតែទទួល ទោស។ មានតែយើងស្រុះដែគ្នាទេ ដើម្បីពង្រឹងច្បាប់និងព្រះធម៌វិន័យទាំងអស់គ្នា។ ព្រះភិក្ខុលួន សុវ៉ាត់ 

Today, we don't use the term "Revolutionary" any more because this term or this movement has been disappeared since 30 years ago. For Cambodia today, we must use the term "Implementation". Cambodian people individually must follow and implement the "Rule of law" or "Vinaya or Buddhist disciplines" in which rightly created accordingly. If any individual violated, he/she must be accountable. We must shoulder together to ensure that the "Rule of law" and "Vinaya" have been rightly implemented. Venerable Luon Sovath


  1. Start your self, that is what the Buddha taught. There is no other way.

    Do not make others responsible for your life.

    There are no rights, there are deeds and there are even laws for those who do not understand. So keep them.

    A notorious law-breaker might give wise people a sample to learn but there are much not so wise people who would follow such people and with it the increasing of hypocrisy rather than to watch ones own intention.

    Also a bad sample can be helpful, but more helpful is a good.

    64. Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup.

    65. Though only for a moment a discerning person associates with a wise man, quickly he comprehends the Truth, just as the tongue tastes the flavor of the soup.

  2. The three necessaries for Reconciliation (patisaraniya-kamma):

    To regain your trust:
    * I have to show my respect for you and for our mutual standards (what ever they are) of what is and is not acceptable behavior;
    * to admit that I hurt (did behavior wrong) you and that I was wrong to do so;
    * and to promise to exercise restraint in the future (honestly and out of understaning).

    The five hindrances to the first point, five strategies to negate misdeeds are:

    * to deny responsibility (self-responsibility and blame others to be),
    * to deny that harm was actually done (not aware, not remember correctly),
    * to deny the worth of the victim (to think one is more worth, better, smarter, knows the truth),
    * to attack the accuser (in denigrate him verbal and seek for people fight together),
    * and to claim that they were acting in the service of a higher cause (for the welfare of this and that, for the good, claiming higher knowledge...)

    And the five ways to overcome this hindrances (according the teachings of the Buddha):

    (1) We are always responsible for our conscious choices.
    (2) We should always put ourselves in the other person's place.
    (3) All beings are worthy of respect.
    (4) We should regard those who point out our faults as if they were pointing out treasure. (Monks, in fact, are required not to show disrespect to people who criticize them, even if they don't plan to abide by the criticism.)
    (5) There are no — repeat, no — higher purposes that excuse breaking the basic precepts of ethical behavior.

    Better to start the way to peace now and work together more wisely on a better future, we are in the same licking boat. And it's not a matter who owns what, it's a matter of understanding, that we actually do not own anything and even or preciously human live will soon be gone.

    Come on, make the first step. Show that you are the wise and step over attachment and pride. The greatest peace is always present when we let go.

  3. I would join this movement suddenly and give all my knowledge and support, if you let go of this stupid way of thinking of enemies outside one self.

    Come one, we need to teach the others as well about the real problem. And it might be that we even can explain it to very responsible people and make them to righteous leader and care as good as possible for the awkwardy and also nerdy crowd.

    Change your ways and develop faith in awakening (Buddha) rather to struggle on without any positive result.

  4. Dear Hanzze;

    I don't get your point. Do you agree or disagree with what Ven. Loun Sovath said about. He confirmed that present day we don't need to say or hear "revolutionary" but we must shoulder to "implement" the existing law and Vinaya. The term "revolutionary" is out of date...and it is good sound in spelling this word in Khmer.

    After reading your comment, I don't get the point what are you wanting to join?

    As I can see the crowd has learnt a great lesson from this non-violence struggle.


  5. The point is that he calls violence non-violence.
    The point is that he paint wrong intention to right intention.
    The point is that he suggest that he acts in accordance to Vinaya and law while he does not.
    The point is that he tries to use Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha for his ideas and politic.
    The point is that before one is able for reconciliation one must understand and declare his misdeeds.
    And that he uses to call for fight instead of teaching people to be self responsible for their acting and results out of them.
    And the point is that he acts like a child fearing punishment out of wrong deeds.

    Please young boys, a movie in the cinema and some western stories about heroes might be nice, but your actions have results and you will see the harming and victims you cause sooner or later.
    So it would be good if you stop this playing with other lives and security.
    Other people also watch much TV and they would believe you as they also believe what they see and here on TV.

    I mentioned, that I would suddenly join your work for peace if you start to work for peace.
    I mentioned, that I would do everything I can do in supporting you if you start to step out of this childish game and step into the teachings of the Buddha an his ways.

    "Non-violence struggle", what should that be? A peaceful war? Maybe you like to start to investigate your thoughts as it comes to speech and also to physical actions.

    Maybe you like to understand what Dhamma fight means, what it means to struggle for peace. There is no peaceful struggle. And the struggle for peace starts in one self. As long there is no peace in one self one causes only additional struggle is lost in the mud.

  6. Now, it is reasonable to say why Ven. Loun Sovath is serving the weak people by joining investigate their protest to release those jailed innocents.

    You have not expressed any sympathy to him but condemn him as every one can understand, you are the one who is serving the politics, serving those in power and condemn the monk who has not benefit or any political involvement.

    While you are talking good about the Dhamma but your intention and your mission is to use the Dhamma to serve the evils.

    I will not waste my time talking Dhamma with you from now on, Mr.Hanzze.

