អំពាវនាវ Appealing


lYn suva:t sUmGMBavnavdl;BuT§bris½TCitq¶ayCYy]btßmÖKaMRTskmµPaBRBH BuT§sasnasgÁmnigmnusSFm’dUcteTAenH
1>               CYysresrCalixitb¤jtiþepJIreTAsemþceTB vgS nigsemþc
  nYn Eg:t eGaymCÄb;karKMramcab;pSwk bMbiTsiT§iesrIPaB    karecaTRbkan;   nigkarhamvtþenARsukExµrmineGayTTYl RBHGgÁsñak;enA.
2>               CYy]btßmÖCafvikardl;KMerag {fg;RBHFm’ b¤sgÇhFm’} EdlmantMél5duløa kñúgmYyfg; sMrab;CYydl;CnrgeRKaHBIkar bgçMeGayruHerIpÞHsMEbg nigdIFøI EdlRtUv)anQµÜjrwbGUsyk.
3>              CYy]btßmÖedaypÞal; sMrab;RBHRKUlYn suva:t kñúgskmµPaBkargarsgÁm.

ebImanectnacg;CYy]btßmÖ GacTak;TgedaypÞal;eTAkan;RBHRKUlYn suva:t 
elxTUrs½BÞ ¬855¦12-838-322 sáay sovathloun b¤GuIem:l sovath_loun@yahoo.com
b¤Gacbric©aKtam Paypal at https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=T23G52CLA4XGN

rbs;RBHRKUlYn suva:t Caerogral;BIrs)aþh_mþg.


sUmGrRBHKuN nigsUmGrKuN

Dear Dhamma Friends

We are the devotees of Buddhism and students of Preah Krou Luon Sovath would like to appeal to all Dhamma friends and friends help support the Engaged Buddhism and humanitarian activity in Cambodia as following:
1.     Write letter or send petition to Supreme Patriarch Tep Vong and Noun Ngeth to plea for the cancellation of orders to defrock, to silence freedom of speech of the monks, to accuse of incitement and to ban Buddhist temples in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap in allowing Preah Krou Luon Sovath to stay.
2.     Help support the project of “Dhamma bag or Sanghaha Dhamma” in the amount of $5 each bag to offer to the victims of forced eviction and land grabbing.
3.     Help support Preah Krou Luon Sovath directly for his social Engaged Buddhism.

If you have willingness to help support, please contact Preah Krou Luon Sovath directly at cell phone: (855)12-838-822, Skype: sovathloun, or Email: sovath_loun@yahoo.com

Note that all donation names will be published in this website: http://www.luonsovath.blogspot.com bi-weekly

We wish you with all merits and success.

Thank you very much,